Friday, January 23, 2009

Senior Ambassador for 2009

Katie is a high school junior at North West High and will be working with my studio in the Senior Ambassador Program here at Yvonne Chamberlain Photography! I am so excited to have her on board! Katie's photos are just AWESOME! We narrowed a one hour session down to a mere 50 images she loves. Talk with Katie if you want your senior photos done with Yvonne Chamberlain Photography. She'll give you the details!

Tutu's are so CUTE!

Lilyan is just a beautiful little thing!! I picked up a new blue back drop to use and i just LOVE how it makes her blue eyes POP! So, so CUTE!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Little Jaylee came into our studio today. She's grown so much since the last time we saw her, but yet, she's still a peanut. Her grandparents came with her on this visit and we had a lot of fun. She's really developing quite a personality. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Call now to book your appointment for Baby Parts. This is one of our favorite collections here at Yvonne Chamberlain Photography. Each expression and detail can be captured in this special 16.5"x16x5" custom frame. Book your appointment before 1/31/09 and you'll save $50.00 off the standard studio price. Our Baby Parts collection is perfect for any baby between the ages of 4-10 months. Appointments can be reserved between now and June. You only need to call before 1/31/09 to reserve the special pricing. Let us help you create a collection that will last a lifetime!