Monday, July 21, 2008


My boy made the cover!!! Let me tell you how this photo got to be.

Noah is a Cub Scout with Pack 510 here in Clarksville. In June he and I went to camp in Nashville for 4 days so he could work on some of his Webelos pins and we could spend some quality time together. It was great fun for me! You see, my bachelors degree is in Outdoor Recreation/Education. Yup, I graduated from Montreat College in 1992. Great school I will say... Anyway, I got to enjoy camp with Noah and of course I'm going to bring my camera. I wish I was better at writing because I would journal all the wonderful things my boys do. Since I can't write worth a darn I photograph. If what they say about a picture being worth 1,000 words is true, than my boys have books and books of journals in picture form.

Anyway, back to the cover image. In the evenings the boys wanted to fish. The dads would take the boys to the lake about 100 yards away and I would take my camera. The sunset was beautiful and offered great light for evening photographs. Later the next day we were at the Archery range and a small group of people showed up and 2 had some nice cameras. Of course I struck up a conversation with one of the ladies whom I knew to be a part of the council there at camp. They were trying to take pictures of the boys so they could use one for the cover of the next 'JetTrails' magazine. I showed her my camera and mentioned that I had taken some images of the boys the night before. They were desperate for a photo since the deadline was in just a few days. I showed her this image of Noah and she fell in love with it. Asked if I would let them use it for the cover and a month later it came in the mail. How fun is that!

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